Monday, January 3, 2011

Bring out the hats and horns...and pass the candy!

Today was a red letter day for was my last day of chemo! Rich took the afternoon off from work to go with me and, as usual, the place was full...hardly an empty seat to be found. The private rooms were all taken, leaving us to take two of the last chairs available in the general sitting area. I've become accustomed to sitting out here with the other chemo patients over the course of time. Many of them I see each time I'm there...some are older, some younger, and some are obviously sicker than I am. They are there alone, or with a family member or friend. We all have our little routines and sometimes share our stories. Today I overheard a man tell his wife that he hoped that he would be given a reason to which she quietly answered, I am here and I am your reason.

Being there never fails to make me realize how fortunate I have found my cancer early, to have health insurance to pay for the needed surgeries and chemo, to have the strong support and love of my husband, family and friends. I am thankful for every day and for how little I have had to suffer. I am reminded again of how trivial hair is in the big scheme of things.

Before my appointment, I went downtown to the candy store to buy a box of candy to take in to the oncology nurses as a thank you for all of their TLC. I asked for a five pound box, to be filled with all of my favorite chocolates...double dipped malt balls, milk chocolate covered peanuts, bridge mix, and dark chocolate covered peanuts. It was a smorgasboard of chocolates! When I got to the oncology center, I gave it to Wendy, my nurse throughout my treatments, and asked her to share it with all of the other nurses there. There were oohs and ahs to be heard as they picked out the candies they was a universal sound of thankfulness, both given and received.

Forrest Gump had it right when he said that life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get. I think I've got it pretty good!


  1. Congratulations! I know that it feels really good to have the last of those treatments behind you! Now you can concentrate on recovery and celebrating your good health and happy life. What a great way to start the new year!

  2. Congrats Mom L!!!! What a GREAT way to start 2011, here's to rebuilding your health, and for being an inspiration to those that went ahead of you and may follow behind you!

  3. WAY TO GO MARCIA!!! Thank you for keeping us posted and sharing the "adventure." You are an inspiration, Ann

  4. Tears of joy for you are running down my cheeks. Such great news!
    You are truly "MARVELOUS MARCIA" !!!!!!
    PS. I love reading your stories and adventures so please keep up your blogging! :o)
