I just did something quite frivolous and vain...I had eyelash extensions put on my eyes. I called about a month ago to inquire about them, and learned that the eyelashes are put on SINGLY, and are adhered to each of your own eyelashes. I told them that I didn't think I had enough eyelashes at that time, but would like to wait and come in after a month or so and let them see if I had enough to add to yet. And that was last week, Tuesday.
I went to my appointment thinking that I would have to keep my eyes open the whole time, with no blinking allowed, and wondered how I was going to be able to do that. To my surprise, the opposite was true...my eyes were closed the whole time. After showing me the different sizes, lengths and colors of eyelashes she had gotten out to try and match to my own lashes, and explaining the whole procedure and possible risks, she asked me to lay down on the table (standard doctor's office variety), get my head comfortable on the pillow and close my eyes.
She was very good at talking to me and explaining things as she went along. First, she put "cool pads" under my lower lids, which kept them still, as well as providing some "wrinkle relief" (it was kind of like putting cucumber slices on your eyelids, except these were under the eyes). Then she taped my upper eyelids to my eyebrows so that the edges of the lids and the lashes were fully exposed but my eyes closed. She then proceeded to gently glue each tiny lash to one of my own lashes, working from the outer edges inward for both eyes. It was all finished in about 30 minutes (people with full lashes take about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, averaging about 40 lashes per eye). It was now time for THE REVEAL!
Well, it wasn't what I expected. I had asked her before starting if she thought I had enough eyelashes yet to extend, and she said that she thought she could get enough of them (I have some really tiny, short lashes as well as longer lashes). And it seemed like she was really putting alot of them on me. So I was surprised when I looked in the mirror and didn't see my eyes awash in eyelashes! Realistically, I knew that I didn't have much to work on, but wishfully, I was hoping that she had worked miracles on my eyes and that they would look more like they used to. Instead, I only had about 10 lashes per eye, and they were all kind of doing their own thing! They looked perfectly natural, but I just didn't have enough to really see them. Rats.
On my way home from my appointment, I called Rich to tell him about them. He asked me how I liked them and when I hesitated, and then said that they weren't what I expected, he exclaimed "OH, NO", thinking that I had PERMANENTLY awful eyelashes now! I assured him that they weren't at all like my own first attempt with the false eyelashes...in fact, you could hardly even see these, they were so few. And in fact, he didn't even notice them when he got home that night, I had to point them out.
Sadly, these eyelashes didn't last as long as they were supposed to...probably due to the fact that they pretty much stood alone, and had no protection in numbers! They're supposed to last 6-8 weeks, but I lost one on my right eye the first night, and two on my left eye within the next two days, and yet another on my right eye yesterday. I think I probably accidently knocked them off whenever I rubbed my eyes or washed my face. I'm not used to having to be careful about eyelashes anymore. Finally, they were becoming so ridiculous looking that I removed the rest of them with eye makeup remover last night when I got ready for bed.
The funny thing is, that most of you have told me that you didn't even notice my lack of eyelashes until I wrote about it. My glasses frame my eyes and that seems to make up for them. Maybe I'll just leave well enough alone. Or maybe not.
Sorry it didn't work out...once again you are teaching all of us the ins and outs of chemo. Thanks you for all the help you are giving others. Lot of hugs.