Thursday, March 25, 2010

Manicures and crocodile tears

One of my latest side effects of chemo is sensitive finger nails. I've been told to keep them cut short so that they don't catch on anything, because there's a possibility that they could come off. Eeuw! So today I decided to play manicurist to myself (I can't have them professionally done because of the chance of infection) and sat down to take off the old polish. That was when my second latest side effect kicked in again....excessively watering eyes, mostly the right eye! I could hardly see anything through the giant tears that kept welling up! I managed to get the polish off without too much trouble seeing ( I THINK I got it all off!) but when it came time to put the new polish on, that was another matter altogether! Try imagining your eyes full of tears and then trying to see something's all a blurr, isn't it? Well, that's pretty much my new world now, with my watery eyes. I even have trouble reading because they tear up so much that all becomes a blurr. There's nothing to be done for it, unfortunately. Another friend of mine had the same side effect and it eventually went away, so I'll just hang in there. Please don't be critical of my manicure,'s the best I could do under the circumstances. And please don't think I'm crying all the's just the latest chapter of my marvelous adventure!

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